A new year has just begun and we are pleased to share with you our new features in HIPE that are about :

🚀 Increasing HIPE possibilities

🔩 Improving HIPE pricing accuracy

🧑‍💻 Providing every day a better User Experience

So making our Clients very happy!

Also, you might have noticed that EVERYONE talks about ChatGPT, so well… we decided to offer you a very easy way to activate your own Chat system in HIPE ! 😊

When it comes to custom packaging, your Clients need assistance ! So let them chat with you ⌨️

Everything in one screenshot - see below:


Be collaborative, help your customers go through it ! Bring the service they need and you’ll be rewarded !

About Google Tag Manager integration in HIPE

To activate the Chat feature, we’ve actually implemented a much more scalable integration with Google Tag Managers.

Why ? Because the integration of Google Tag Manager (GTM) in HIPE saves you a lot of time and resources to connect with popular third-party softwares.

And the possibilities are almost endless; here are some examples of applications you can now connect to HIPE :